Joe Herd

Joe Herd

If you’ve spent much time in downtown Winchester you’ve likely noticed certain vehicles parked in specific places consistently, day end and day out, from early in the morning until late at night, rain or shine.  There’s a very special man who has parked in relatively the same place for over 56 years.  Let me introduce you to Joe Herd. 

Joe is a Pharmacist and owns Blue Front Drugs. Joe and his wife Suzie, along with their newborn first daughter, moved to Winchester in 1963 to join Blue Front. Over the next 56 years they had three more children and added four son and daughter in laws, seven grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren.  Blue Front is a special place to so many people and has been a stable, reliable business even when independent pharmacies seem to be disappearing.  Joe never expected or sought to become the hero that he is or to still be working at 80 years old.  He just did what he does: work hard, love the Lord, his family, and others; and be honest and faithful to what he is committed to.  

When Joe first moved to Winchester the square was bustling place.  The Pool Hall served the best chili, if you needed clothes or shoes you could stop by the National Store or Russell’s Dept. Store.  Lay’s and Kuhn’s were the local five and dime stores that had a variety of merchandise.  And of course Hammers was here to serve your every need.  Saturdays on the Square were an especially busy time when folks came from all over the country side to go to the bank, shop, and visit. In those days Blue Front had a soda fountain and served ice cream too.  The counter would be lined with old and young alike out for a Saturday treat while getting their prescriptions filled. 

Times have changed but Blue Front has remained largely the same due to Joe’s commitment and high standards.  Sure there is no soda fountain and Saturday in downtown Winchester is a little quieter but Blue Front is still the place where the Pharmacist’s home telephone number is posted on the door in case you need anything after hours. And, you may notice that he still parks in the same place.